Life Coaching

What do you want?

Life CoachingOften we humans focus on what we want rid of – smoking, weight, a negative belief about our self (‘I can’t…. I have no willpower…I’m not the type of person to…I’m just...’), or a negative emotion that stops us (anger, sadness, fear, guilt, shame…).

Instead, with your life coach you focus on what you DO want, helping you to create a clear vision of

How you will achieve your goals?

Association for CoachingYou will first look at your life in the round, identify your priorities, and gain deep understanding of your values.  Working through various structured processes this is how you set up your focus for change and action.  It is entirely confidential, at a pace to suit you, and one-to-one  – either face-to-face or by phone coaching sessions.  (We are developing an online version with distance coaching sessions).

You will create powerful outcomes that draw you.  Then you work towards achieving them.  And when you hit a block, that’s where our life coaches help you identify what it is, why it stops you and how you are going to get over it.  The aim is for you to learn and change in ways that suit you, in order to set and achieve your goals in life.  It can be fun, challenging and a real learning journey.  Coaching aims to give you new ‘tools’ and understanding; overall, to transform yourself in the ways you commit to.

There are many powerful techniques that our human resource consultant will use from NLP, coaching, psychometric assessment, neuroscience etc.  How we ask questions, understand you, introduce concepts, hold up a mirror to aspects of your life or behaviours, hold you to account, encourage you etc. is where we as life coaches make a difference for you.

Call Barbara Robertson on 0131 531 8702 for a confidential discussion, or email her at E:

Does Life Coaching Work?

Oh, yes.   Ask our clients.  As a certain American president said  ”Yes we can!”   Don’t believe it?  If it holds you back, we can work with you to get rid of that belief!

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